Rumor: Is Sam’s Club accepting Apple Pay?

Rumor: Is Sam’s Club accepting Apple Pay?
Rumor: Is Sam’s Club accepting Apple Pay?

Over the weekend, we saw that there are now multiple Sam’s Club locations in Apple Maps that say that some of the stores are accepting Apple Pay.

This is shown in Apple Maps with both the NFC and Apple Pay logos, which usually says whether or not a place accepts Apple Pay. In our research of this, we were able to quickly find 2 locations in Minnesota that say that Sam’s Clubs there do accept Apple Pay.

It is still unknown whether or not this is true or just an error in Apple Maps. Sam’s Club is owned by Walmart, which has its own mobile payment method called Walmart Pay. However, Walmart Pay is not accepted at Sam’s Club stores at this time.

If you are looking to buy items from Sam’s Club with Apple Pay, the only way to do so at this time would be to place an order for Sam’s Club through Instacart and then pay with Apple Pay (doesn’t require a membership to Sam’s Club either). Other than that, it’s not possible.

The physical Apple Card is accepted there, but when making purchases with it at their stores (pending that the store does not accept Apple Pay), you will only be able to get 1 percent cashback from the purchase.

We do hope that Sam’s Club does start accepting Apple Pay in their stores soon, as it would be a great way to show that they are listening to their customers and accommodating for the ones that want to use Apple Pay as a payment method.

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