Barry University gets Apple Business Chat

BarryUniversityLogoLARGE PMS
BarryUniversityLogoLARGE PMS

We reported earlier that Barnes and Noble had gotten support for Apple’s Business Chat service, which is a way for users to text their local store questions such as “Do you have The Great Gatsby in stock?”

Appleosophy has now discovered that Barry University in Miami, Florida now has support for Apple’s Business Chat.

In the photo below, you can see that with the chat, students would be able to ask questions about a variety of different things. It would also appear that the Business Chat line is only open for a certain number of hours throughout the day.


This is accessible by typing on “Barry University” on Apple Maps, where you will see a number of different options, with the first one being “Message.” When that has been tapped, you can message the school from there.

Barry University still has yet to make an official announcement about this, but it looks as though they are one of the first colleges in the country to make this advancement.

Right now, businesses such as Apple Card, Lowe’s, Mall of America, Home Depot, Sprint and a select other number of stores that support the new Business Chat feature in iOS. To see the full list of businesses that support Apple’s Business Chat, click here.

If more colleges get Business Chat for students, this could be great for students to communicate with their universities and be able to ask questions to questions such as “Can someone help me reset my student ID password,” “Is the network down on campus,” or “Where do I go to purchase my textbooks?”

Apple’s Business Chat is available to use on the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Mac.

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