Opinion: Apple Pay still needs a reward system

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Apple Pay has been around now for over five years and while it is a service that I have been personally using for almost four years, I think that there needs to be a discussion about Apple putting a rewards system in place for Apple Pay.

Now, some may argue that Apple already has a reward system with Apple Card and that that should be enough. However, for people who do not have Apple Card or simply those who don’t want to use Apple Card every time they make a purchase, an Apple Pay reward system would be perfect for that.

With Apple Card, you get three percent back in Daily Cash if you make a purchase through Walgreens, Uber, UberEats, Duane Reade, Nike and T-Mobile. You get two percent in Daily Cash whenever you make a purchase at a business that accepts Apple Pay. Lastly, you get one percent in Daily Cash when you make a purchase with the physical Apple Card, such as making a purchase at a local Walmart store or ordering something online through Amazon.

You could also say that Apple having a rewards program for Apple Pay would be to combat competition because Samsung Pay does have its own rewards program for those that use Samsung Pay.

How could Apple go about this?

Perhaps of having a percentage system, you make it a point system. For every purchase you make, you get five points. 50 points gets you a $5 App Store/iTunes gift card and 100 points gets you a $10 gift card at select stores like Target, Starbucks, Uber, etc. $250 points gets you a $25 gift card at select businesses and stores too.

If a reward system like that was there, then maybe Apple could get even more people to not only sign-up for Apple Pay, but get them to use it more too.

If Apple really wanted to sweeten the pot some more, they would have a merchandise store where if you get a certain amount of points credited to you with Apple Pay purchases, then users could earn a shirt or hat with the Apple logo on it or basically whatever Apple is selling in its Apple Park Visitor Center.

I know that Apple like to make its Apple Park Visitor Center merchandise exclusive to that, so maybe they should go about creating shirts and merchandise that is reserved for an Apple Pay rewards program. I mean, someone like me would definitely love to have an Apple Pay shirt and/or a baseball-styled hat with the Apple logo on it.

Even Apple Cash could be considered a reward for using Apple Pay. This could be done either in getting some form of compensation for each purchase you make with Apple Pay or letting people spend points on certain amounts of Apple Cash as a reward for their Apple Pay usage.

Apple Pay is a great, convenient and secure way to pay for your items, so I think that it is time to reward those who do go out of their way to pay the best and right way.


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