Dollar Tree begins accepting Apple Pay

NAAG Dollar Tree logo
NAAG Dollar Tree logo

It would appear as though another dollar store in the United States has begun to start accepting Apple Pay in its stores.

There is information out now that is allowing us to believe that Dollar Tree has started accepting Apple Pay in its stores. If this is true, then it would be the second dollar store in America to do so, behind Family Dollar. Dollar General still does not accept Apple Pay.

The proof behind this comes from a user on FlyerTalk Forums, which says the following:

“Another big one goes live. I went to a Dollar Tree, and they had the tap enabled with the onscreen green dot and the prompt indicated tap/insert/swipe. So that should cross off another significant merchant from the list.”

In addition to that, select locations in Apple Maps have begun showing it too. As you should see in the screenshot below, a Dollar Tree in Austin, Texas is now saying that it accepts Apple Pay.


There has been no official word yet from Dollar Tree, but it looks like the company is gradually getting Apple Pay accepted in its stores.

By accepting Apple Pay, it would help Apple Card users too since users of it would get two percent back in Daily Cash when they made purchases at stores. Right now, they can only use the physical card and get one percent in Daily Cash.

UPDATE (03/14/2020): We now have found a tweet (courtesy of @GabrielN2790 on Twitter) from a Dollar Tree customer that confirms that Apple Pay is working at some stores: 

Screen Shot 2020-03-14 at 7.20.11 PM

UPDATE (03/14/2020): Reddit user Gabriel2790 has posted a picture in the Apple Card subreddit that shows the card reader at Dollar Tree. It looks a lot like the screen you would see at HyVee, gas stations or other convenient stores. Still, it is another new business that accepts Apple Pay!


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