Get a free trial of SiriusXM Radio

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There have been a lot of free trials that have been going on and another big one is starting today too.

SiriusXM Radio currently has a free trial going on, allowing people to get SiriusXM for completely free. The free trial for the service will end on May 15, 2020.

This free trial will instantly give Americans access to 300+ channels. This will allow you to listen to your favorite stations, whether that is music, politics or sports talk stations.

The reason for this is so that Americans can stay informed about the latest news in the coronavirus pandemic that is currently going on throughout the United States.

SirusXM is available to stream on the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Apple TV and Mac. Additionally, customers will be able to use SiriusXM with CarPlay too. You can get your free trial by simply clicking here.

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