Best Buy gives significant discounts on the iPad Mini 5

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Although peoples’ budgets have been impacted by the coronavirus here in the United States, Best Buy is still trying to get you to spend money on Apple products.

Right now, you can get a $70 off discount on the 64GB iPad Mini 5 and $100 off the 256GB version.

During these coronavirus times, you can either pick it up at your local store with curbside pickup (if your store has it in-stock). By doing that, you will have to order through Best Buy’s app or website.

If your store does not have it, then you can order through Best Buy’s app or website and get it through its corporate warehouse.

Both of these discounts are great for the products they are for, as these are the two newest versions of the iPad Mini. Additionally, the iPad Mini 5 does have support for the Apple Pencil too.

Best Buy’s app and website do accept Apple Pay, and for Apple Card users, they will be able to get two percent in Daily Cash on their purchase of one of these iPads.

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