Opinion: Eight months later with an Apple-branded leather case for the iPhone 8 Plus

Red case
Red case

Several months ago, I purchased a leather Product RED Apple-branded case from Best Buy in Omaha, NE. This was to replace the clear OtterBox Commuter case I had that was starting to fall apart.

I did a review of this product a few days after I purchased it, but now that it has gone through the fall, winter and spring, I think I can tell you what kind of a case this truly is.

The leather does give it a nice premium feel, which it should be since it was originally $50 (I got it for $25 off because it was on sale and I’m a smart shopper) and that’s an expensive price to pay for a smartphone case like that.

What I don’t like is that months later, the red from the case has started to fade and now has black on some parts of it.

The black marks can be found on the back of my iPhone 8 Plus. 

Please note that I never drop my iPhone because I’m obsessed with making sure that it is good condition. I’ve been an iPhone user since 2014 and have never cracked a screen of any Apple device I have ever owned.

In addition to the black spots found on the rear of my iPhone, say I grab my iPhone but my fingernail gets itself into the case. Think of it like I was grabbing something but accidentally scratched it.

A scratch on my Product RED iPhone 8 Plus case after trying to grab it, with my fingernails accidentally brushing up on it

The scratch mark appears on the case, which is kind of annoying since it makes it look like I dropped it in a blender or a cat went after it.

With everything said here, I think Apple’s leather cases are nice but only for a short time. You’re better off getting something at a Target, Verizon or Best Buy store that’s not Apple-branded.

My immediate case recommendation is either an OtterBox Defender or Commuter case, depending on how well or poorly you treat your iPhone. Even a case by a company like Speck or Griffin will last longer than an Apple-branded leather case.

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