iPhone 11 Bags the Most Popular Smartphone in Q1 of 2020 Segment

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Once again Apple’s prediction became right! Yes the iPhone 11 is the most popular phone in the first quarter of 2020. According to Omdia, a research firm, Apple has shipped an astonishing 19.5 million units already.

Apple has always been a company whose primary motto is customer satisfaction. Apple always understood what the customer wanted. iPhone 11 is a great example for that. They managed to bring out the power of their latest processor into a mid range priced device. At 699$, iPhone 11 has best in class camera and power in the segment.

“Apple’s success is the result of its strategy to offer relatively few models. This has allowed the company to focus its efforts on a small number of products that appeal to a broad selection of consumers and sell in extremely high volumes.” said the director of smartphone research at Omdia.

Source : Omdia

The second most popular phone is Samsung’s A51 followed by Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 and Note 8 Pro. It should be noted that the iPhone XR, released last year still keeps it’s position at the 4th most popular phone in the first quarter of 2020.

The iPhone 11 Pro and the iPhone 11 Pro Max have lesser popularity when compared to the budget model iPhone XR. From this we can understand that most of the people opt for a budget phone with best in class performance. Also, since Apple is not compromising quality and performance, the customers purchasing lesser priced iPhones are happy. Except some pro features like additional camera, higher resolution display, the power under the hood is same that is the soul reason for this achievement of the iPhone 11.

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