Barnes & Noble discontinues Apple Business Chat support

Barnes and Noble
Barnes and Noble

We reported in January this year that Barnes & Noble added support for Apple’s Business Chat.

This meant that customers could simply message the company’s customer service line when they had questions regarded billing, online orders and whether or not a store had a product in stock.

It was previously found in Apple Maps that users could tap the iMessage icon on a store and simply message Barnes & Noble customer service from there.

In Apple Maps where the iMessage icon used to be to message Barnes & Noble customer service

June is here and it looks like the company has quietly gotten rid of support for the Business Chat iMessage system.

When looking at a store in Apple Maps, the iMessage icon is no longer there. The company has not stated why it has ridden itself of the feature.

The current set of options on Barnes and Noble stores. As you can see, there is no option for Business Chat through iMessage now

It is unknown if the feature was going to be temporary or if the company was just testing it out. It could have also been because of the coronavirus pandemic and Barnes & Noble stores being closed for an unexpected amount of time.

Did you ever use the Barnes & Noble Business Chat support line? Will you miss the option to get ahold of customer service? Let us know on Twitter at @appleosophy.

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