AT&T users now seeing Apple Pay acceptance in its app

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About a month ago, we reported that AT&T had added support to for Apple Pay in its app. Now it seems as though the company has fully gone forward with it.

Users on Reddit have reported that the feature is now widely available in the app. However, users will not be allowed to use Apple Pay and have it work with automatic bill payment.

AT&T added ability to pay with Apple Pay in their app. Now I can get that little 2% cash-back on my Apple Card for paying my bill. from AppleCard

Where this feature will be quite beneficial is for Apple Card users, who will be able to get 2% in Daily Cash on their Apple Cash cards.


However, T-Mobile users are able to get 3% in Daily Cash when they pay with their Apple Card since T-Mobile has partnered with Apple when it comes to that.

Are you going to start using Apple Pay to pay for your monthly AT&T bill now? Let us know on Twitter at @appleosophy.

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