Apple’s Community Education Initiative Helps Teachers Around the Country to Prepare for a Year Like No Other

Apple community education initiative coding academy portrice warren home office birmingham alabama 08272020
Apple community education initiative coding academy portrice warren home office birmingham alabama 08272020

The Community Education Initiative (CEI) has been one of the biggest attempts at fostering and promoting tech-based education by Apple. Nowadays, with the need for remote teaching and learning, its resources have become extremely handy for all educators around the country.

Among the almost 500 educators that were present on the Virtual Coding Academy fostered by Apple’s CEI was Portice Warren, a teacher that has demonstrated initiative and excitement for Apple’s new tools for educators and the way these can factor in this new landscape of education.

This Coding Academy had the purpose of fostering and sharing the basics to coding and creativity in the classroom, which gave teachers of any age and range the opportunity to apply these skills to the way they teach and share their knowledge with students. Also, this CEI programming has had a strong focus on uplifting and helping schools that have a mayority of POC students, which helps to eliminate the barriers from the systemic inequalities that are so predominant today.

Also, one of the main points of focus with this new Coding Academy was to facilitate and teach new ways for remote learning, making it the norm with all of its sessions. This has helped Warren and many other teachers to prepare for an academic year that has no point of comparison to others, that has forced teachers and students to be apart but connected by technology.

Everyone Can Code and Swift were the main stars on this event, which Apple has continuously updated and polished in order to be the best platforms and programs where both students and teachers can develop their coding skills.

In an interview with Warren, she shares Apple that the impact that this new program and changes to the academic development have brought to her life as a teacher. But most importantly, she goes into detain on what the positives are with this new way of learning, leaning to a new trend and ways that students acquire  and develop knowledge from now on. This following quote is an excerpt of the interview, which is one of the most important and interesting ways of seeing how Apple’s tools and her skills as a teacher have shaped her point of view:


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