Corporate and Retail Apple employees to get innovative custom designed ‘Apple Face Masks’

Apple Face Mask
Image @markgurman on Twitter

Apple has introduced custom face masks for employees, reported first by Bloomberg.

The product the company has called the “The Apple Face Mask” is made up of three layers of materials capable of filtering incoming and outgoing particles of different sizes. Also, Apple sourced a special see-through mask approved by the FDA and manufactured by ClearMask. This mask allows for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing to better understand what is said by lip-reading during dialogue.

To help support the mask-wearing culture, changes have been brought to the iOS in the iOS 13.5 which optimised the behaviour of the Face ID unlock to present the PIN entry screen when users experience difficulties with Face ID whilst wearing a mask.

Over the next two weeks Apple will replace the standard face mask worn by her corporate and retail employees with its Apple Face Mask

As reported by Bloomberg; Apple told her staff that the Face Mask was developed by the Engineering and Industrial Design teams, the same groups that work on devices such as the iPhone and iPad.

The materials used for the manufacture were carefully chosen so as not to take away the much needed supplies of materials for PPE (personal protective equipment) in hospitals.

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