Opinion: How to stay safe shopping online this holiday season


It’s no secret that the coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we live our daily lives this year, and shopping online has been even more crucial during it.

With that said, since there likely isn’t going to be as much shopping in physical retail stores this year because of the said pandemic, here are some methods you can use to keep yourself safe while shopping online this holiday season.

  • Use Apple Pay: If you’re truly wanting to keep your card information safe this holiday season, then Apple Pay is the best route to go. By using it, you remove the risk of potentially having your card information get put on the dark web, which then prevents you from having those, “Wait, I didn’t buy that” moments. Instead, your card information will stay on your device where it belongs.


  • Use Apple Card: While some might argue that this is much like my previous point above, Apple Card works a lot like Apple Pay but is a credit card version of it. The only reason I bring this up is for two reasons; it is good to use when making purchases from Amazon or Walmart’s websites, and that you can still get Daily Cash on your purchases, therefore, in a way, you are rewarding yourself for shopping for your friends and family. Purchases made through Amazon and Walmart will get you 1% in Daily Cash and purchases from places that do accept Apple Pay will get you 2% in Daily Cash. To get 3% percent in Daily Cash, you have to make purchases from select businesses. Click here to see the list of 3% Daily Cash merchants.


  • Have a good package delivery app: Deliveries by Junecloud would be my highest recommendation and then just paying for the monthly fee of $0.99 for a month or two to make it through the holiday season. By using this app, you can see where all of your orders are, regardless of them being sent by the United States Postal Service, UPS, FedEx or any other mail/package delivery service. There are free apps similar to Deliveries such as Parcel, Parcel Track and Slice (as well as the official USPS, UPS and FedEx apps).


  • (Optional) Get that Christmas music going: Spending money on gifts, especially this year, can be stressful. We recommend that you turn on the Christmas music and get yourself in the mood to buy gifts for those special people in your lives.

What are your plans for staying safe online shopping this holiday season? Are there any other tips we missed? Let us know on Twitter at @appleosophy.

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