Here is how to get a cheaper pair of AirPods Max (when the time comes)

airpods max select skyblue 202011 FMT WHH
airpods max select skyblue 202011 FMT WHH

Although most stores are out of AirPods Max because of the massive number of consumers who want them. 

At this time, once they become available again, you will be able to get a used pair of AirPods Max through Best Buy for just $159.99. Please note that this will be Geek Squad Certified AirPods Max, but they will be Apple’s new wireless headphones, regardless. 

The headphones are not available through Best Buy right now, but it will be something to watch on Best Buy’s website just in case someone who does have a pair and decides for one reason or another that they do not want the headphones.

When the time does come and Best Buy has some in-stock, you will get free shipping on your order if you purchase them online. The company does accept Apple Pay on its website and app too. 

Those who make their purchase with Apple Card will get 2% in Daily Cash on their Apple Cash card as well. 

Hopefully the AirPods Max will become available sooner than later, but for now, we’re all just going to have to play the waiting game. 

Would you will be willing to buy a pair of Geek Squad Certified AirPods Max from Best Buy? Let us know on Twitter at @appleosophy. 

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