Opinion: Why I brought the Magic Mouse back into my life

08091bc5f547ddd1b6fa7f62d71cbdd4 hi
08091bc5f547ddd1b6fa7f62d71cbdd4 hi

For someone that has primarily used a MacBook Pro as their go-to Apple computer, that pretty much makes it so I don’t have to have a desktop mouse like the Magic Mouse.

However, during an “everything must go” sale at my local Radio Shack in Sioux City after it filed for bankruptcy in 2015, I was able to score a Magic Mouse for just $30.

That might not sound like a good price for it, but it does regularly sell for about $80-100, so getting it for $30 is a great deal. I am one where I am always looking for (and finding a lot of the time) a good sale and price when it comes to my electronic devices.

At the time when I bought it, I was using a 2012 MacBook Pro that did have a trackpad embedded, therefore, no need for a mouse. Still, I decided I would give it a try and ended up using it in my dorm when I was at my community college.

What has recently made me start using it on my current 2017 MacBook Pro are two things:

1. I always have my Bluetooth on it so it can connect with my Apple Watch and unlock my Mac without having to type in the password to it.

2. Wherever my Mac goes with me in my laptop bad, so do my AirPods, which rely on Bluetooth connectivity.

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If I had to say another reason, you would either call me a freak or an “audiophile.”

Another truth of mine is I simply love the sound of the clicking on this thing. Perhaps it is because I have been listening to a lot of ASMR videos that have Mac keyboard sounds to help me fall asleep or that the TV series “Doctor Who” has great audio in it too.

If anything, when I use it at home now, which is the only place I use it, it makes me feel more professional and comfortable. The simple click sound does so much for me.

Lastly, this is the best mouse design I have ever seen and used. There’s no wheel on it that would signal for it to be the scrolling area. It is all gesture-based and done without that wheel, which is still quite innovative and unique to this day. It fits my hand perfectly and makes it the best choice for a computer mouse.

The Magic Mouse has changed over the last few years, specifically the way it is charged and that you can buy it in Space Gray for an extra $20.

I’d recommend if you have not used a Magic Mouse before to try it out. It will forever change your thoughts on what a computer mouse could be.

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