Rite Aid silently drops Apple Pay support on app and website

2cb401d3 d27f 4ad8 ad57 0f658aa503f2 large16x9 RiteAid
2cb401d3 d27f 4ad8 ad57 0f658aa503f2 large16x9 RiteAid

Thanks to a tip sent by @ContactlessWiki on Twitter, another fellow Apple Pay merchant has pulled support for the contactless payment method.

Rite Aid, a very well-known and established pharmacy retailer in the U.S. has quietly pulled Apple Pay support from its app and website.

Source code provided by @ContactlessWiki shows that Apple Pay is no longer a payment option on its website or app.

What makes this strange is why the sudden departure of Apple Pay from Rite Aid’s app and website, and also, will this eventually be happening at its retail stores?

On top of that, Rite Aid’s website still says it supports Apple Pay on its website, yet the Apple Pay option is no longer shown on the checkout page.

The future is unclear, that’s for sure.

Rite Aid began accepting Apple Pay on its website in 2017, according to MacRumors.

Due to the removal of Apple Pay from the Rite Aid app and website, the most secure way to purchase items from it online is through PayPal.

This leaves Walgreens, Duane Reade and CVS as the two nationwide U.S. pharmacies that accept Apple Pay.

Those who shop at Walgreens or Duane Reade and make their purchase with Apple Card from their iPhone or Apple Watch will get 3% in Daily Cash too.

What are your thoughts on the removal of Apple Pay from the Rite Aid app and website? Comment below or let us known on Twitter at @appleosophy.

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