Apple launches Apple Pay Mother’s Day promotion

6eea9adc mothers day 2021
6eea9adc mothers day 2021

With Mother’s Day coming up soon, Apple has launched a new promotion for the holiday.

Please note that all of the purchases must be made with Apple Pay in order to get the discounts, as well as including the promo codes in the order/checkout, as listed below.

Here are the following Apple Pay promotions for Mother’s Day 2021:

  • J-Crew: Get 25% off of a purchase of $150 or more with promo code “APPLEPAY.”


  • 1-800 Flowers: Get $15 off an order of $39.99 or more and use the “APPLEPAY” code.


  • Zazzle: Get 30% off your order with the promo code “APPLEPAYZAZZ” at the checkout.


  • Uncommon Codes: 15% off products and use the “APPLEPAY” code in the order.

Those who use Apple Card with any of these purchases online will get 2% in Daily Cash on their order as long as they make their purchase when you hit the Apple Pay button on the companies’ website or app.

Mother’s Day is on Sunday, May 9, which is the same day that all of these promotions and sales will expire.

Do you plan on using any of these promos to buy your mother a gift for Mother’s Day this year? Comment below or let us know on Twitter at @appleosophy.

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