User Re-Engineers AirTag To Fit Into Wallets

5f7edd03 apple airtag diy card project
Credit: Andrew Ngai

Last Friday, Apple officially launched its long-awaited AirTag that competes with item trackers like those from Tile. Apple most likely delayed the launch because of antitrust allegations. One downside to AirTags is that Apple offers it in one size, so putting it in a wallet would make it bulky. Tile does offer its item trackers in card-size to fit it nicely in a wallet.

One user thought outside of the box to re-engineer AirTag into a card. With some heating, extra wiring, and remolding, this process was not really that short and sweet. In the end, the finished project is only 3.8 mm thick. You can watch the video below to see how he did it. I wouldn’t try this at home if I were you. However, the good thing is that the battery is replaceable, which makes the product less prone to e-waste.

What do you think about this ambitious project? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us at @Appleosophy.


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