Opinion: How I did all of my Christmas shopping this year with Apple Pay

Apple Pay coming to partners Customer checking out with Apple Pay at Target 01222019 big 1
Apple Pay coming to partners Customer checking out with Apple Pay at Target 01222019 big 1

A few weeks ago, I wrote an article about why consumers should be using Apple Pay this year, which was to serve as a friendly reminder regarding its security, encryption, and overall convenience.

With that said, like with most holiday and Christmas seasons, I do try to do my best to make sure that I make all of the purchases with Apple Pay because security and encryption are so important this time of the year due to all of the hacking and card risks that come into play.

However, let’s let it be known early on that I only have to buy for two people; my twin brother and my mom.

So how did I make all of my Christmas purchases with Apple Pay?

Well, for the first gift, I made the purchase at Best Buy. I will not say what the gift specifically was since it is not Christmas Day yet and there is a chance they could see what it is before that day comes.

If I can say anything about buying the gift, it was quite the experience since I drove to the store right after I got off of work one day and they had a big sale on a particular product. I drove to the store nearest me and…the store had just sold the last one.

The good news is the other store less than five miles away from me did have the product and I was able to get it for the nice sale price, leaving me, and hopefully my twin brother getting the gift, satisfied.

I can also report that the gift has been wrapped since I purchased it.

My other and final gift was purchased at World Market.

World Market is a store that I just started going to this year after I found out they sell the Jammie Dodgers biscuits that I have seen from “Doctor Who” over the years. It is a store that has a lot of other cool and neat products as well.

On top of finding my mom’s Christmas gift there, I also got her a stocking stuffer there as well.

When checkout time came, all I had to do was whip out my iPhone 12 Mini and pay for her Christmas gifts and other items with Apple Pay.

It may not sound too hard to do in 2022, but if anyone was still wondering, you can pretty easily make all of your holiday-related purchases with Apple Pay. If you want a little more bang for your buck, use Apple Card from your iPhone or Apple Watch, and get 2-3% in Daily Cash on each purchase.


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