Apple launches concert discovery and venue guides on Apple Maps and Apple Music


Today, Apple Music launched a new addition for subscribers – the Set List space, where you can find artists’ upcoming concerts and tours, as well as a playlist with the concert Set List. Additionally, Apple Music curators have created 40 guides on Apple Maps to help users find the best venues to experience live music in cities like Brooklyn and Tokyo, among others. These selections cover up to 10 cities. Users can now see dates for upcoming concerts or music events at the venue directly from Maps.

On Apple Music, just tap on Browse Upcoming Shows under the Browse tab to look at the next concert dates.

Apple Music Guides will be rolling out today, here:, and the included cities by region are:

  • North America: Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Nashville, New York City, and San Francisco.
  • Europe: Berlin, London, Paris, and Vienna.
  • Asia-Pacific: Melbourne, Sydney, and Tokyo.
  • Latin America: Mexico City.

Apple Music’s Set Lists are available today here:

What are your thoughts on this new update for Apple Music? Comment below or let us know on Twitter at @appleosophy.

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