Apple Pay-related hashflairs are now on Twitter

Something that has happened on Twitter recently that has caught some users by surprise is there is now a hashflair when people use #ApplePay in their tweets.

The two hashtags where there is a hashflair to them belong to both #ApplePay and #PayTheApplePayWay. When either of those hashtags are used, there is a blue check mark that shows on the tweet which the same checkmark you see on an iPhone or Apple Watch after a successful Apple Pay transaction has gone through.

This was discovered by @hashmojis on Twitter.

At this time, there has been no official word yet from Apple regarding these new hashflairs. However, it could be used to promote the use of Apple Pay and get even more people to use it and do so more often.

Apple has done hashflairs in the past and they have typically been used for Apple Events such as #WWDC23, as well as Apple’s fall events under the #AppleEvent hashtag.

What are your thoughts on #ApplePay and #PayTheApplePayWay now having hashflairs on Twitter? Comment below or let us know on Twitter at @appleosophy.

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