More New Hidden Changes in iOS 13

ios 13
ios 13

If you haven’t already read my article about Detailed Changes in iOS 13, read it here:


As we all know that iOS 13 is out for developers, more and more features are going to be discovered daily and we will try to bring them to you as soon as possible. Here is a list of a few new discovered Hidden Features to keep you all updated about them.

1. More Features in Face ID: As we all know, with iOS 13, Face ID has got 30% faster  which was announced at WWDC 2019 but what was not announced are these features :

a) Haptic FeedBack on Successful Authentication: This is a new option we see in Settings, which if turned on, will give you a Haptic Feedback whenever you Authenticate your Face with Face ID. This works for all authorizations to services by Face ID. You will get a Haptic Feedback whenever you unlock your iPhone, use Apple Pay or verify your App Store or iTunes Store Purchases.

b) Attention Aware Features: If this option is turned on in Settings, iPhone will require Attention to dim the display or to lowering the Volume for Alerts.


Source: iPhone, latestapplenws

2. Lock Screen: For the Devices without a Home Button( iPhone X or later), the Swipe up to Unlock Text has now been shifted back above the Home bar. In iOS 11, it was above the Home Bar, but with iOS 12, they changed the position of this text above the time and now in iOS 13, it shifted back above the Home Bar.

iOS 11, Source: iDownloadBlog

iOS 12, Source: iPhone

iOS 13, Source: latestapplenws

3. No Sim:- In iOS 12 when there was no sim card in the iPhone, it just used to show the Text “No Sim” but now before the “No Sim” text, there is are Empty Signal Bars as shown Below:-

iOS 12 . Source: iPhone, zdnet

iOS 13, Source: iPhone

4. New Developer Option in Settings: There is a new Developer option in Settings and it has many features. Here’s how it looks:

Source: iPhone, latestapplenws

5. 38 New Language Keyboards and 22 official Indian Language support

6. Enhanced QR Code Scanning

7. iMessage and FaceTime on Dual Sim enabled Devices like the iPhone Xs, Xs Max and Xr


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