iOS 9.3.3/iOS 10 Beta 3: What You Need to Know

On Monday iOS 9.3.3 was finally released to the public and is now available via an OTA software download. We highly recommend that you update to iOS 9.3.3 as it includes a number of bug fixes, stability enchantments, and enhanced security changes for your iOS device. While you may not notice any new features in iOS 9.3.3, you’ll definitely experience less of those occasional screen freezes and annoying device crashes. In addition, installing iOS 9.3.3 will also make your device less susceptible to web-born viruses and malware attacks.
Along with iOS 9.3.3 came iOS 10 Developer Beta 3. This third beta build of iOS 10 is strictly intended to be downloaded by developers while a separate version dubbed “iOS 10 Public Beta 2″ will available via Apple’s Public Beta Program today. We’ve been testing out iOS 10 Beta 3 here at TA News for a few days and we’ve noticed a significant improvement in speed and reliability. Earlier iOS 10 betas were subject to shaky or delayed animations, frequent screen freezes on the multitasking screen, and occasional springboard crashes when trying to launch the multitasking window. Thankfully, these bugs have been squashed in iOS 10 Beta 3. In fact, the OS feels extremely stable compared to early iOS 10 Betas. A lot of the animations in iOS 10 Beta 3 feel a bit speedier. The now softer keyboard-click sound from Beta 1 is back and a subtle Taptic Feedback vibration is now felt on iPhone 6S when pushing the sleep/wake button to put the device to sleep. A full list of all the new features and subtle changes in iOS 10 Beta 3 are listed below.
ӢiOS 10 beta 1 keyboard sound returns (reverted to original in beta 2)

ӢNew lock/sleep sound (softer and more subtle)

ӢiOS 10 alerts users when lightning port senses moisture, mainly when a cord with liquid on it is plugged in. (Do not try at home)

”¢”Rest Finger to Unlock” feature is now working properly

ӢHaptic feedback on iPhone 6s when device is locked

”¢Haptic feedback doesn’t interfere with audio playing on device. (Bug experienced by some users)

ӢNotification Center has a slightly different animation when pulled down inside an application.

Ӣ3D Touch quick actions on home screen seemingly darker than before

”¢ 3D Touch “Share” option on home screen apps now includes app name. Ex: “Share Facebook”

ӢPok̩mon GO Augmented reality not working bug fixed

ӢWidgets on iPad slightly wider

ӢSpeed slightly improved

ӢNumber of songs no longer displayed in Music app

ӢImages no longer cropped in photo picker in Messages

Ӣ Sharing icon slightly changed in Notes

ӢHeadphones glyph in second cc panel slightly different

”¢New “App Support” option in Siri Settings to configure Siri functionality for apps like WeChat, Lyft & Uber. (Not Yet Fully Functional)

”¢Videos in Health app now have captions. (Videos themselves still won’t play)

ӢAbility To Share Activity and Workout information with Apple to improve Health application accuracy.

”¢Option to set iPad as “Home” hub in the Home App.

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