Review: Phillips Hue LightStrip Plus

-Lighting the Strip to a Brighter Future:

As a recap to the previous article, Phillips launched their updated Hue Bridge with support for HomeKit in 2015, and it didn’t stop there. All devices capable of pairing to this new Hue Bridge also gained access to being controlled with Siri and the Home App. So to test the expandability of this bridge and the Hue system itself, we checked out another product within the same family: The Phillips Hue LightStrip Plus. A smarter take on the classic RopeLight that many of us loathed for as kids, the LightStrip Plus is a wonderfully elegant addition to any HomeKit setup.


-Putting the LED back in Line”¦

The LightStrip Plus is an 80 inch strip with an LED placed along the strip every inch backed by smaller support LED units to help enhance the lighter colors making them pop more vibrantly. I’ve always been interested in some accent lighting for my desk (which is exactly where these informative text documents are made), but couldn’t find exactly what i was envisioning. Thats when i found this amazing product. Prior to purchase, i had talked with the Apple Store employee for about a half an hour about his personal experience with the product, and i have to say, its the compelling tale of the usefulness provided by LightStrip Plus that truly closed the deal on the purchase. The story was simple; no lighting in the kitchen area, so he put up LightStrips and the additional LightStrip Extensions all around the edge of the room and couldn’t be happier. What better use than to fix a problem that one normally couldn’t live without. I was sold. I now find myself using the same principle to provide lighting allowing me to focus and get to work in a calm environment.


-Extending the Hue

The LightStrip Plus (essentially the starter kit for this part of the Hue System) is 80 inches long and can be handled in three different ways:

-Either the full length can be used,
-Using the designated markings on the LightStrip Plus to cut to a shorter length.
-Use LightStrip Extensions.

LightStrip Extensions cost $40 USD each and require the LightStrip Plus kit to use. The advantage here is that this Hue Family Member is truly expandable or reducible to fit the exact size of your needs. Whether you’re lighting up your entire kitchen, or just adding a simple bit of accent lighting to your office desk, LightStrip Plus of the Hue Personal Wireless Lighting System can do it all.

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