Happy #StreamingDay! Here Are Some Recommendations on What to Stream Today

According to Roku, today is “Streaming Day,” ergo today is the day where the company is encouraging people to have a day inside their homes, get some pizza delivered, and watch your favorite movies and TV shows. 

With that said, here are the TV shows and movies I recommend for Streaming Day 2017. Note that the streaming platforms that I will mention will be Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Video, and HBO Now.


  • Last Man Standing (TV show): Although the show has been (recently) canceled by ABC, five seasons of the series are available on Netflix to stream. I started watching the show last December and it has quickly become my favorite show on Netflix.
  • The Office (TV show): Everyone seems to enjoy this series and who wouldn’t, especially when you have the lovable crazy antics of Michael Scott (played by Steve Carrell).
  • Good Will Hunting (Movie): Probably one of the greatest movies of all-time and certainly one of the best performances from Matt Damon and Robin Williams. It has to be one of the best indie films on streaming services today.


  • Drake and Josh (TV show): This was a great show from the early-2000’s on Nickelodeon. All seasons of the series are on Hulu but exclude the 2008 Christmas special.
  • Last Man Standing Season 6 (TV show): I know that I already listed the show in the Netflix section, but season six of the show is only available on Hulu as of this writing. As a viewer of the series, I can say that it is one of the funniest seasons of the series as a whole. Definitely worth checking out.
  • Sports Night (TV show): If you’re a sports fan or just a fan of Aaron Sorkin, this is a great series to watch. It only consists of two seasons but has a great cast and was ranked at #10 on TV Guide’s “Cancelled Too Soon” list in 2013. The series is also available to stream on the official ABC app for free, as well.
  • Iron Man (Movie): If you have not seen this movie, I suggest that you give it a watch because it is one of the best movies Robert Downey Jr has ever done. And even for 2008 software and technology, the special effects are still really cool looking.

Amazon Video:

  • Doctor Who (TV show): The series has been on for over 50 years and still growing strong. All nine seasons of the “new” series can be streamed through Amazon Video, along with the specials such as 50th anniversary special “Day of the Doctor” and the 10th Doctor’s specials.
  • The Newsroom (TV show): Amazon Video does have exclusive HBO shows and content on it. If you’re interested in how the media really works, watch this series. Also, another Aaron Sorkin show!
  • Cafe Society (Movie): This is one of Amazon’s produced movies and stars Jessie Eisenberg. It’s a decent movie and well worth watching.

HBO Now:

  • Silicon Valley (TV show): It is currently my favorite show that is running on HBO and is usually a fan favorite for anyone that really enjoys technology.
  • Game of Thrones (TV show): The series was the most pirated show of 2016 and has been HBO’s most popular show for a while. I will admit that I have never seen the show, but I do know that it is very popular and have been told by many people to watch it. However, I have not gotten around to it.
  • The Simpsons Movie (Movie): The movie came out in 2007 and will be turning 10 years old in July 2017! This film is still a classic to this day and is treasured by almost every television/movie watcher out there. If there is one thing you never mess with, it’s The Simpsons.

Happy Streaming Day to all and I hope you all enjoy it! After all, it’s the only “holiday” that allows you to sit on your butt and watch TV all day!

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