Opinion: Can You Blog on an iPad Pro?

The 12.9-inch iPad Pro was released in 2015 and the 9.7-inch version of it being released in March 2016. But with blogging being primarily done on a laptop or desktop computer, is blogging on an iPad the right way to go?

Apps that are available for blogging on the iPad are WordPress, Weebly, Blogger (the Google service), and Blogo just to name a few. Since the iPad Pro is compatible with the company’s own Smart Keyboard, it gives users the ability to type using a keyboard ergo, you can blog on it if you want to.

An issue that I have with it is that apps like WordPress still do not have formatting tools on the toolbar such as the “Insert Read More tag.” This is crucial for blogging and even for sites like ours. I use it on my personal blog and for TeamApple News and Toys.

I don’t doubt that blogging could become a big thing on the tablet one day, but I don’t think that we are there yet completely. If done right, it could be, though.


Screen Shot 2017-05-22 at 10.02.00 PM
12.9 and 9.7-inch iPad Pro with Apple Pencil


But is the iPad Pro good for blogging overall? I’m going to say no for now. The tablet is very portable and does have an additional keyboard attachment users can buy. However, I don’t think it is there right now. The keyboard, in my opinion, is decent at best and the apps right now do not have the support that a desktop website would have.

The iPad Pro one day could be a great hub for blogging, but for now, it’s going to be my second go-to Apple device for Netflix (because the Apple TV is obviously number one) and Twitter on a bigger screen.

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