In ”“ Depth Review: iOS 11.4 Developer Beta 3

iOS 11
iOS 11

Initial Review

When I first used iOS 11.4 Developer Beta 3, it seemed fast and smooth as all updates do when you first install them on your iDevice. Animations were smooth. Scrolling was smooth. Battery life seemed okay. My iPhone 6 didn’t over heat as much when playing games for a long period of time. iOS 11.4 Developer Beta 3 seemed to be worth the upgrade. I have now tested the software for about 2 days now and here is my in-depth final review for iOS 11.4 Developer Beta 3.


Performance has stayed the same if not improved by a small margin. Games do not lag in general. You don’t experience freezes or lag when scrolling through Twitter feed or YouTube feed. Frame rate when playing games is smooth. Animations are silky smooth too; you experience no lag while opening and closing applications. I have tested it on the 5S, 6, 6 Plus and the SE, and the unlocking animation on all four is silky smooth as it should be. While playing games, my iPhone 6 overheats less which is always a good thing. Performance is also a positive thing if you have your iPhone battery replaced. However, if your iPhone battery has degraded due to obvious reasons, this new update should help improve things.

Battery Life

Battery Life for me has become worse. Despite playing more games this past week, I find myself having to charge my iPhone 6 when I get home. This is because the battery is at around the 25% point. However, without playing games, I can only assume that my iPhone would be at the 30-35% point. Important to note, I have Bluetooth on throughout the whole day due to having a smart watch. Because of this, I expect my battery life to be worse off than it would be with Bluetooth disabled. Therefore, battery life may be bad/become worse for me, however, it should have improved for many others.

Other Details/Improvements

Other than that, it has been a pleasant experience while using iOS 11.4 Developer Beta 3. Other small minor things have stayed the same. Typing is smooth, no lag is experienced. Sliding between different home screen pages is smooth. Opening and exiting out of folders can be done without experiencing any lag. Opening the different platters in the customizable Control Centre is smooth as ever. Scrolling through notifications on the Notification Center page is smooth like always.

How to Download and Use iOS 11.4 Developer Beta 3

You can use and try 11.4 Betas too. Go to:

Sign Up or Login using your Apple ID and follow the steps mentioned on Apple’s website.


Overall, I give this update a positive review. The final version of iOS 11.4 will probably drop before WWDC 2018 which is in about a months time.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave them down below!

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