Throwboy to Launch New Set of Apple-Themed Pillows via Kickstarter Project

Throwboy, the company known for making some of the coolest social media, technology, and internet-themed pillows, announced that they are going be launching a new set of pillows that are Apple-themed. 

The Apple products that are being turned into pillows are the Apple II, original Macintosh, iMac G3, original iPod and the original iPhone.

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Throwboy is set to have their new line of Apple-themed pillows to go live to the public on August 15, 2018 as a Kickstarter project. They will be sold through Throwboy’s website, which does accept Apple Pay as a payment method.

To first 100 people to sign up for the Super Early Bird Backers get 55 percent off one of these pillows. In order to sign up, click here. In order to find out if you were one of the 100 that signed up early, the company will send you an email in the near future telling you that you were one of the first 100 people.


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