How the iPhone is ‘sexist’ – Feminists storm Twitter against Apple’s newest phones


Apple recently unveiled the iPhone XR, XS and iPhone XS Max at their September “Gather round Event” at the Apple Park, Steve Jobs Theatre last week. Feminists are now coming out against Apple saying that the lineup for this year is ‘sexist’ as it doesn’t have a holdable design and is too big for female hands. This is due to the iPhone’s more elongated display, which also comes with more width, more specifically, 5.8 inches (6.5 if you’re wanting the Max’s screen space)

Considering that this is Apples “biggest phone yet”, as shown by their advertising; some strong minded feminists felt inclined to address Apple about their personal issue of not being able to hold the phone(s) despite not even being out to the public (yet). Along side this, they also criticised Apple’s decision to discontinue the  iPhone SE, arguably, the ‘most affordable iPhone for its time’. The average Female hand specifications are: 6.7 inches with a width of 2.9 inches – whereas a Man’s are 7.4 inches and 3.3 inches in width. This demonstrates why women would have a possible problem when using an XS Max but can easily be resolved by either buying just an XS or XR or even X (your wallet will thank you) or buying an Appleosophy Popsocket from our merchandise store! (They’re really cool ????????)

Most of the tweets contain hate against the OP (Original Poster), and we also advocate that you don’t join in to retaliating against these tweets.

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