Mac App Review: Friendly for Twitter for Mac

Over the past few months, we have reviewed a couple of Twitter apps such as Tweetbot 3 for Mac and Twitterrific for Mac. Here today, we yet another Twitter app but we are not reviewing it for its Twitter features, but more so for other reasons. 

The one thing that I have used Friendly for Twitter for is managing my other social media accounts like my Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram accounts. At this point, I think the app needs to rebrand itself as “Friendly for Social Media” because that’s what it is.

When opening the app in your Mac and then having the app show your Facebook feed, it is going to look a lot like the mobile version of Facebook that you would see on an iPhone when using Safari or another browser. This time, it’s just in an app form.

This is good because it still lets me view my newsfeed and access the groups that I am a part of too. On top of that, I can still view and answer messages from Facebook Messenger without having to go to the Facebook website or download another app to access Messenger.

Best of all, the posts are in chronological order, meaning that everything is newest-to-oldest when scrolling down. It’s something that people want and something that Instagram should revert back to.

I have used Instagram on this app too. It’s nice to view it from your Mac in an app. You’ll also be view Instagram Stories. The interface of it in the app is that it looks a lot like the iOS Instagram app, which is something that I think we are all familiar with.

LinkedIn and Reddit do look good on this too. You can view your timeline and subreddits just fine and it does what it needs to do.

Where the app goes wrong is its Tumblr interface. In fact, you cannot even view your full timeline. It’s there, but the app cuts it off. Of course, you can always use the app in Full-Screen Mode in order to get the full thing, but at that point, well, what is the point? The reason why the app should exist is to get you a smaller and more mobile version so that you can view it all from a small window or app on your Mac.

Another issue I find with the app is that you cannot use Grammarly on it, which is something that many people like me use. Granted, I will cut them some slack since you cannot use it in Google Docs either, so Friendly is not the only one to not have that feature.

The good thing is that Friendly does have a Dark Mode. This is not for the apps and social media sites they support but in terms of the interface of their part of the app.

Overall, I’m giving Friendly for Twitter 3/4 stars. It works well and can manage all of my other social media sites too. The app does have in-app purchases and that you can only add four social media accounts to the app without paying an in-app fee. However, for me and a lot of people out there, I think four is a great number to start out with for the amount of accounts you can have on the app at once.

Friendly for Twitter is a free app in the Mac App Store.

Rating: 3/4 stars

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