Siri loses their SVP

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The time has finally ended after numerous criticism and hatred ran over the Senior Vice President of Siri Bill Stasior, which has changed his position at Apple. Now after all of these badgering of the attempts to improve Siri last year, the internal team of Siri is now going to go chaos. Apple is now seeking for a new leader to be a Vice President of Siri, so what will happen next?

Bill Stasior used to work at Amazon until 2012, when he joined the Siri team at Apple. It is unknown that the next candidate for Vice President of Siri will be soon, but the decision of the Vice President will be up to John Giannandrea. Siri might be acting up inevitably soon….. because there’s still no leadership.

Evidence from Giannandrea says that he “pushed the Siri team to focus more on long-term research rather than incremental improvements that have defined Siri for most of the product’s history.” This implies that he has made sure the Siri team stay focused on their work and be very sophisticated on research. He’s been making the Siri team great since Siri has been launched for a long time. In addition, Siri has been very integral in the ecosystem of Apple since 2011. It’s been part of helping every iPhone and iPad user with every task, every day.

Apple has been advancing the technology of augmented reality and machine learning since 2017, when iOS 11 came out. These factors can create immersive experience and more real life intergrations with Siri in the meantime. Now we better find a way for Siri to stay intelligent and a great assistant.

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