Tim Cook to be 2019 Stanford Commencement Speakership

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Stanford University has announced that Apple CEO Tim Cook will be the 2019 commencement speaker for the Spring 2019 Graduation.

In the same announcement article, the President of Stanford, Marc Tessier-Lavigne, said this about the CEO coming to speak at Stanford:

Tim Cook has spoken forcefully of the challenges and responsibilities confronting corporations and our society today…In tackling these, he has led with vision and values ”“ qualities that reflect the culture of our Stanford community, and that are top-of-mind for our students and our country. Tim was a natural choice to challenge and encourage our graduates as they leave our campus and find their own paths in the world.

In response, Cook said,

It’s an honor to have been invited by Stanford’s students and faculty, and I look forward to deepening the remarkable relationship that Stanford and Apple have built together over many years…We share so much more than geography. The passion, interests and creativity our institutions have in common have helped to revolutionize technology and reshape the world, and I can’t wait to join graduates, as well as their family and friends, in celebrating the even brighter possibilities of the future.

If you all remember, Apple founder and former CEO Steve Jobs gave a commencement speech at Stanford University back in 2005. In fact, one of his most famous quotes, “Stay hungry, stay foolish,” came from that commencement speech.

Another big one from Jobs’s speech was, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life”¦”

Cook’s commencement speech will be given on June 16, 2019 and will be held at the Stanford Stadium. Cook is also giving a commencement speech at Tulane University on May 12, 2019 as well.

For your convenience, you can watch the famous 2005 Steve Jobs commencement speech at Stanford University below.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF8uR6Z6KLc&w=560&h=315]

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