Best Buy College Student MacBook Pro Deals

2016 MacBook Pro 13 vs 15
2016 MacBook Pro 13 vs 15

Best Buy currently has some deals for college students so that they have the best chance of getting a new MacBook Pro at an affordable price. 

To get these deals, you must be signed up to get the Best Buy College Student Deals, which can be done through Best Buy’s website. You must also have a valid “.edu” email address in order to get the deals through them too. 

MacBook Pro Deals: 

  • Save $400 on the 15-inch MacBook Pro with TouchBar and a 512GB SSD. 


  • Save $350 on the 15-inch MacBook Pro with TouchBar and a 256GB SSD


  • Save $300 on the 13-inch MacBook Pro with TouchBar. Users may choose from the two storage capacities of 128GB and 256GB SSDs.


Those deals can be used in Best Buy retail stores and through their website and app. Make sure to use these as soon as possible since they do expire on Saturday, May 4, which ironically is the day I graduate from college. Best Buy does accept Apple Pay in their stores and iOS app as well. 

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