Opinion: My Experience Using UberEats with Apple Pay

Uber Eats Logo Partnership ApplePay UE Logo US
Uber Eats Logo Partnership ApplePay UE Logo US

On Friday night, I had the night to myself. The family was out of town doing their own thing and my only plan was to watch the season seven finale of Last Man Standing on FOX since it is my favorite TV show. I had just finished a long day at work, it was payday and I thought that I was very deserving of this. 

At 6:25 p.m., I placed my order in UberEats with Apple Pay. I was ordering a double cheeseburger and medium fries from the McDonald’s that is about 5-10 minutes away from my house. Yes, it is close by and I could have gone over there and simply made the order there and pick it up. But the night was all about convenience and testing out Apple Pay in the UberEats app. After all, if it was not for that, this article would not be able to be written. 

Once my order was placed, I ironically worked on and finished the article I was working on for Appleosophy at the moment. 

The cool thing about placing an order through UberEats is that the app gives you notifications for when your order has been started, when the driver leaves, when the driver is getting closer to your location and when the driver has arrived at your location. It is something that I enjoy, despite the fact that it could be sort of creepy for a driver. 

When I got the food, it came in this nice specifically designed McDonald’s + UberEats bag and was also taped shut, allowing for the food to still be warm. I opened the bad several minutes later to see that the food was in another bag (prioritizing keeping the food warm) and I ate my meal from there, again, while watching the season seven finale of Last Man Standing. 

All in all, that’s pretty much it. I did use UberEats once earlier this year, but that was before the service started accepting Apple Pay, which just came to their iOS app last month. The service does exactly what you need and want it to do. The only thing I would like for it to do would be to make their delivery fee cheaper, but I can see why it exists because UberEats is providing a great service to you. 

If you are someone who likes having their food delivered to you, especially McDonald’s or other good restaurants, look into using UberEats. They have Apple Pay now, so there is no reason to not use it. 

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