Top 5 Mac Apps Every Student Should Have (Part 2)

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macos mojave mac app store stock 100761859 large

We did a story last month about apps that every student should have, and with the back to school season going on right now, there is no better opportunity than now to tell you which apps you should and should not have on your Mac.

  • Fantastical 2: This is probably the most expensive calendar app in the Mac App Store. However, it does offer some great features, a simple and intuitive design and a modern look too. Another good thing about it is that it does have a student discount option. As of today, it is not available, but I am going to assume that it will be at some point during the back to school season or sometime this fall. If you are wanting to buy through the Mac App Store, it will cost you $49.99. It is available on the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Apple Watch too.
  • Deliveries: I know that students are known to not have a vast amount of money and that they are always saving money for textbooks, school supplies…and coffee. However, it might be good to have an app on your Mac that tracks of your online purchases, whether that is a textbook from Amazon or a regular reading book from Barnes and Noble. Deliveries is an app that will do all of that and give you real-time notifications for updates on your packages and when they will be delivered to you. You can get it for $4.99 in the Mac App Store and it is also available on the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Apple Watch too. Our review of the app can be found here.
  • Spark: This is a third-party email app that will allow you to put either or both your personal email and school in one app. It’s a little more modern looking than the default Apple Mail app. The best part about the app is that it is free too and available on the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Apple Watch for free as well.
  • CARROT Weather: Are you a weather nerd or just like to keep up with it 24/7? CARROT Weather could be a good app for you to get. Unlike its iOS and watchOS versions, you do not need a subscription to use it. It will give you breaking weather alerts as they become available, which can also be sent to your iPhone too if you have your Mac open but are not at it at the moment. There is a nice radar in it, and most importantly, you’ll be a step ahead of your classmates when it comes to how the weather is going to be for arrive or leaving class. CARROT Weather costs $11.99 in the Mac App Store. To get an idea of the full features of the app, watch the video below. Here is our review of the app too.


  • Friendly Streaming: Alright, so we have all had those days when you just cannot pay attention in class and need something to do in those crowded, stuffy and annoying lecture halls. What this app will do is essentially have your Hulu, Netflix, Prime Video and/or HBO Now all in one app and ready to stream whenever you are ready to watch. A cool feature of the app is that it has Picture-in-Picture too! It’s a free app in the Mac App Store.

Did we miss any other big apps or notable ones? Let us know in the comments below. If more are added, we might just make this a weekly thing until college starts.


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