Apple allies with Amazon, Google and Zigbee to simplify Smart Home systems.

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How many times have we looked for a Smart Home appliance and found out there are tenths of devices which work with a different standard? This complex market of lightbulbs and speakers has prevented thousands of consumers from buying into the alternative to conventional appliances, but that appears to be changing now. Apple, alongside with the world’s biggest tech companies, are developing Connected Home over IP, a new project to create exposure and ease of use for Smart Home Appliances. The project aims to bring a new connectivity standard along different manufacturers based on a specific set of ip-network instructions.

This will help manufacturers to design and program an assortment of devices without having to side with a specific company for their Smart House needs. Although this is mostly aimed to ease the work made by manufacturers, it will also help consumers looking into buying these devices to decide over one option instead of having to research about what works with what.

Apple is also looking forward to the privacy in this project. They believe every product should be based into the privacy and security of the consumer, and they will check every decision so it doesn’t interfere with their vision.

Alas, we will have to wait some time before we actually see an advance from this project. But fortunately, even more companies will be able to join the project as it goes on.

Are you excited for this collaboration to improve Smart Homes? What do you think about this alliance? Tell us your opinion down below.

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