Windows 7 officially loses support; which Mac should you get because of it

Windows 7 officially loses support; which Mac should you get because of it
Windows 7 officially loses support; which Mac should you get because of it

Today is the day that Windows 7 has lost support from Microsoft, meaning that those who still have Windows 7 on their laptop or desktop computer, will no longer be able to get security updates from Microsoft. This also means that those who still use the old OS are more prone to viruses and security problems.

Windows 10 is Microsoft’s current OS and it has its pros and cons to it, but there are still plenty of people who do not like Windows 10 and prefer to use their Windows 7 computers.

However, for those who are wanting to leave Microsoft and Windows 10, and go towards a computer like the Mac, here are some choices that you have right now:

  • MacBook Air: This is Apple’s baseline, entry-level MacBook. It is the one that is going to have good processing power, whether you’re the type of person who just wants to surf the web, manage social media or write emails. It can also be good for Photoshop and some light video editing. Right now, the laptop is only available in a 13-inch screen size and is available through Apple for $1,099.


  • MacBook Pro: Where this laptop does well in is its processing power and power as a whole. That means high-processing video editing, Photoshop, and audio editing, if not more. The good news too is that you have some choices, in terms of the size of the screen. The MacBook Pro is available in both 13 and 16-inch screen sizes. The 16-inch MacBook Pro was released in late-2019, which does feature a modified TouchBar, unlike the 13-inch version that has the same TouchBar that came with it when it was released in 2016. The 13-inch model starts at $1,299 and the 16-inch model starts at $2,399.
  • iMac and iMac Pro: For either of these Macs, they are going to be able to do likely more than what you would ever imagine. One is good for standard computer use and the other one is designed for doing pro work on, such as the uses for the MacBook Pro that were mentioned earlier. Essentially, both the iMac and iMac Pro are a desktop version of the MacBook Pro with just improved specs. The iMac comes in both 21 and 27-inch sizes and starts at $1,099. The iMac Pro starts at $4,999.
  • Mac Mini: Honestly, this is more of a do-it-yourself type of Mac, but if you’re into that sort of thing, then, by all means, go for it. It’s a lot like a flat, square tower that you have to buy the monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. It starts at $799 for its price.


  • Mac Pro: Again, this is a massive computer tower that is currently Apple’s prized jewel. It is a spectacle of innovation for the Mac. Now, this is not the Mac that a lot of people (or at least people reading this) are going to be purchasing. It’s quite the powerhouse of a machine and is overkill for the average user. Like with the Mac Mini, you will have to provide your own monitor and other accessories for this computer. This Mac Pro starts at $5,999 in price.


Of course, you do not have to buy any of these computers all because Windows 7 is no longer around, forcing you to upgrade to Windows 10. But for those who want to get away from Windows because of this move, well, let us know in the comments if you are at least looking into buying a Mac (especially if it will be your first Mac).

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