Apple News app to host special news for the 2020 Election

2020 Election
2020 Election

From Apple Newsroom:

Apple today introduced special coverage of the 2020 US presidential election, curated by Apple News and featuring reliable news, information and data throughout the election from dozens of trusted news sources. Apple News 2020 election coverage is the most comprehensive resource available, with reporting and analysis from ABC News, CBS News, CNN, FiveThirtyEight, Fox News, NBC News, ProPublica, Reuters, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, TIME, USA Today and others.

Apple News 2020 election coverage includes a series of curated guides, special features and resources. Readers from all political viewpoints get one convenient place to access reliable election information throughout the year, stay informed about the issues and follow major election moments ”” including the debates, Super Tuesday, Democratic and Republican conventions, election night and the 2021 presidential inauguration ”” in real time.

Some election features now available in Apple News include:
Real-time election results data from the Associated Press for each state primary, providing county-by-county results, a national map tracking candidate wins by state and a delegate tracker detailing candidates’ progress toward securing the nomination.

A resource to understanding today’s most important issues and topics, including foreign affairs, income inequality, trade, immigration, education, health care and others.

A guide to each presidential candidate, providing timely and convenient information on each candidate’s biography and experience, notable moments and quotes, current position on key issues, as well as videos, photos and recent media coverage.

A news literacy guide to help readers identify misinformation online and offer simple tips for seeking out accurate and reliable information, in partnership with the News Literacy Project.

Additionally, FiveThirtyEight is providing state and national polling data, infographics and data-driven analysis.

Beginning with the next Democratic debate in New Hampshire on February 7, Apple News will feature live-streaming video from ABC News, along with up-to-the-moment analysis from FiveThirtyEight and real-time updates from a variety of news outlets. The February 7 debate will also be live-streamed directly on the Apple TV app, available on iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, iPod touch, Mac, select Samsung LG smart TVs, and Amazon Fire TV and Roku devices.

The special 2020 election coverage is available to Apple News users in the US in the Today tab in the News app on iPhone, iPad and Mac. Users must update to iOS 13.3, iPadOS 13.3 or macOS 10.15.2 to access all the Apple News election features.

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