Review: Disney+ bundle

Disney Bundle
Disney Bundle

The Disney+ bundle has been out since November 2019 and during the course of nearly three months, I have been able to try it out, as I have a subscription to it that I got on the release day of it. It might just be the way to go for some people.

One thing I want to point out is that before I had the Disney+ bundle, I had the ad-free version of Hulu that cost $11.99 per month. The subscription went through my iTunes account.

For those who don’t know, the Disney+ bundle comes with Disney+, the ad-supported version of Hulu and ESPN+. It is literally a bundle where there is something for everyone.

My favorite thing about the bundle was that it was so easy to set up, especially when you are going from an ad-free Hulu account to the ad-supported one. When I made the transition, not only were all of my favorite shows saved, but it saved the profiles too. Granted, this could have been done because I used to the same email address and Hulu account, but it was something that I enjoyed because it gives me fewer complications on my end.

When it comes to Disney+, there is a lot of content on there to watch. I have even gotten a couple of calls from my friends over the last couple of months who have said that they really enjoy this service too.

My experience with it has been decent. Personally, I was more of a Nickelodeon kid growing up, so I never got much into the original Disney Channel TV shows and movies when getting on Disney+. The movies that I have spent the most time watching are the Toy Story and The Santa Claus films during Christmastime.

However, for what it’s worth, I do like the fact that I have access to most of the Marvel movies. I’m not much of a superhero movie guy, but I do like the idea that if I wanted to, I can watch them whenever I want.

With that said, I would like to watch the newer Spider-Man movies with Tom Holland or going back to the Andrew Garfield years and they are not on Disney+. Yes, I understand that it could be because of a licensing problem with Sony Pictures, but since Sony has not put either of the Tom Holland Spider-Man movies on a streaming service like Netflix or Hulu, I think Disney+ should have the right to get those two Holland films and put them on Disney+.

As for ESPN+, the jury is still out on that one. I’m not as big of a sports fan than I was when I was younger, but do think that for some sports fans, it could be a plus for them (see what I did there?).

ESPN+ is good for those who want to watch sports games that are not on traditional sports networks. I don’t think that a lot of people will get use out of it until the 2020 college football season when the non-conference Big 12 games go to ESPN+.


Previously, it has been hit-or-miss on which games the networks will carry, and even some of that has been based on regional coverage. It’s 2020 now and with the stream capabilities we have, there are no excuses to miss the game in the name of “regional coverage.”

ESPN+ does have its own set of exclusive original programs such as NFL Primetime, Peyton’s Places, Miles to Go, ESPN FC and many others.

Overall, with the amount of content that is there and for the price that you pay for all of it at only $12.99 a month, which is $1 more than what I was paying per month with ad-free Hulu, the Disney+ bundle is well worth the money. It’s not for everyone but I can assure you that there will be something for everyone in the bundle.

This bundle gets 4/4 stars from me. No, it’s not perfect but it comes pretty freaking close. Plus, like I said before, for the amount of content you get for only $12.99 a month, this bundle seems like a no-brainer in my book.

Disney+, Hulu and the ESPN app (where you access ESPN+) are all available on the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Apple TV and Mac.

Rating: 4/4 stars

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