MeTV Shop now accepting Apple Pay

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K7XBG 1567718383 142 uploader FB MeTV

We are now into our second finding this week of yet another online store that is now accepting Apple Pay.

The channel MeTV, the syndication home of some of America’s most popular 20th century TV shows, is currently offering Apple Pay as one of the payment methods for purchasing items from its online store.

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Its store offers merchandise based on the shows that currently air on the network. Those shows include MASH, Hogan’s Heroes, The Andy Griffith Show, The Waltons and many others.

Apple Pay does work on MeTV’s website, mobile website and even its app, which is a surprise since its app has not been updated in over a year.

Still, it is good to see that some of these online stores are getting on-board with accepting Apple Pay. Moves like this are making Apple Pay more mainstream and making it the norm with websites and brick-and-mortar stores.

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