The 2020 MacBook Air is almost 30% Brighter when Windows is used instead of macOS

Screenshot 20200510 185434
Screenshot 20200510 185434

The MacBook Air 2020 can go upto 400 nits of Brightness according to Apple but tests conducted by Notebook Check proves that the 2020 MacBook Air is almost 30% brighter when Windows is used instead of macOS.

Notebook check claims to have installed Windows 10 on the MacBook Air through Bootcamp and they have noticed a higher maximum brightness level. Notebook Check used the CalMAN software to determine this difference in brightness levels. The Maximum Brightness level determined by the CalMAN software on Windows 10 was 547 cd/m² which is 547 nits which is almost 30% higher compared to 400 nits on macOS. The black value and color accuracy on macOS is better than the black value and color accuracy on Windows 10 with a higher brightness. The MacBook Air 2020 has around the same contrast ratio on both macOS and Windows operating systems.

There are a two reasons & possibilities for this:

  • Apple wants to maintain color accuracy with a lower brightness level.
  • The maximum level of Brightness may be limited by the software as Apple wants to keep a gap between the MacBook Air and the Pro models to ensure better specifications for the Pro models which will have better sales because of its better specifications.
  • To sum up, there’s a possibility that Apple is limiting the maximum brightness level through software to ensure better color accuracy.

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