Opinion: How I would spend $50 in Daily Cash

32279 55210 000 lead Daily Cash xl
32279 55210 000 lead Daily Cash xl

With the new promotion with Apple and Walgreens for Apple Card users, I thought it would be a great way to show you what $50 could buy you and what it would buy me.

I would like to point out that these items I would like to purchase do not factor in shipping or tax.

Here are the items I would buy with $50 of Daily Cash on my Apple Cash card:

  • “Silicon Valley” season six ($20): It’s hard to find right now, but if I could buy it through Best Buy for that price (or cheaper), it would be wonderful.


  • A Mountain Dew poster ($5): This little poster from Etsy would be great for my apartment since it is small, and more importantly, I am a huge Mountain Dew drinker and fanatic.


  • Little Caesars Pizza ($5): The company has these $5 pizzas that are amazing and can make for great and easy Friday night for dinner.


  • “Sports Night” seasons one ($15): I have been trying to not buy as many physical DVDs since space is such a finite thing. This is a great short-lived Aaron Sorkin TV series, so yes, I would certainly want to buy this.


  • A meal from McDonald’s ($5): With the McDonald’s mobile ordering app, the deals one can get on it are truly insane, so, the possibility of getting a meal for a cheap price through that app is completely logical. Plus, it makes for another easy night for dinner.


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