Here are all of the current 3% Daily Cash merchants for Apple Card users

applecard benefits hero 202005
applecard benefits hero 202005

Apple Card has changed the game for credit cards all across the country. It is the first one to be entirely focused on a smartphone and the Wallet app.

When using Apple Card from an iPhone or Apple Watch at a store, or through those devices like the iPad or Mac from a business that accepts Apple Pay, the user gets 2% in Daily Cash on their Apple Cash card.


The physical titanium Apple Card only gets 1% in Daily Cash when it is used at stores that do not accept Apple Pay.

Apple Card available today.


There are a select number of businesses where Apple Card users can get 3% in Daily Cash when making purchases from places that accept Apple Pay through their iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Mac.

Here are the following current 3% Daily Cash merchants:

If you would like to see our review of Apple Card, click here. Let us know if you are an Apple Card user and if you go to any of these businesses regularly, as well as what businesses you hope to see get added to this list on Twitter at @appleosophy.

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