Users Face issues while Downloading Apps from the App Store

Apple App Store Icon.
app store 1

Several Users report that they are facing issues while downloading Apps from the App Store to their Device. When users are tapping on Download or Get on an App on the App Store, it loads and then stops. Users have to try around 5 times to get an App to Download.

Apple has confirmed this issue on their System Status Page, on July 17th, at 8:00 AM CDT. Apple says that the issue is still ongoing and has affected some users.

According to Apple, “Some users are affected. Users are experiencing a problem with the App Store. We are investigating and will update the status as more information becomes available.”

Developers are also facing an issue with App Store Receipt Verification. According to Apple, “Some users are affected. Developers may be experiencing issues with the service. We are working to resolve the problem.”

Apple is currently investigating this issue and it should get resolved soon. Apple has also recently resolved issues with iCloud Mail, Apple Music, iTunes Store, and Apple School Manager.

Users have nothing to worry about, as this issue is temporary and will be resolved soon.

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