How to get a fireplace for free on your Apple TV


Today is the first day of fall and some parts of the U.S. are already feeling that chilly fall weather come through.

Now, is the perfect time to curl up on the couch, have a cup of hot chocolate or apple cider and play on your iPhone, iPad or Mac, and also have that nice fireplace going in the background.

Luckily for you, there are plenty of ways to get that nice fall feeling from your Apple TV.

  • Winter Fireplace: This is an app that I have been using for at least a few years because most of the places I have lived at, whether it was during or after college, do not have a fireplace, therefore, I have to get kind of creative. With this app, you can have a crisp, clear fireplace playing on your Apple TV while you do other events and chores around your home. The fireplace videos are presented in 4K, which is nice for those who have the Apple TV 4K.


  • Holiday Fireplace: For the price of free, this app sure does pack a lot in it. Not only can one just listen to the rumblings and cracks that come with a normal fireplace, but they can add Christmas music to be played too. It may not be the Christmas season just yet, but the fact that this app gives you the option to have a normal fireplace and one with Christmas music playing in the background makes it a lot more flexible and may be the app you may want to go with this year.

Those are two of some of the best apps on the Apple TV that functionality them. Of course, you can always find a video on YouTube and play that on your Apple TV as well and achieve nearly the same results.

Do you plan on using one of the apps this fall (or perhaps this winter) on your Apple TV? Let us know on Twitter at @appleosophy.

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