“Rick and Morty” season 4 coming to HBO Max in November

Rick and Morty
Rick and Morty

The popular Adult Swim TV series “Rick and Morty” will have its fourth season available on HBO Max starting on November 1.

The announcement was made Friday night over the official Rick and Morty Twitter account.

Until now, the only seasons that have been on the streaming service have been the first three, which are also on Hulu.

The only way users have been able to stream season four is through buying episodes of it through iTunes and watching them on the Apple TV app.

Another way has been through the recently released season four DVD and Blu-ray of the series, which is available to buy through retailers like Best Buy and Target with Apple Pay.

HBO Max is available to stream on the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Apple TV and Mac. You can read our review of the streaming service here.

Are you excited for season four of the series to be available on HBO Max soon? Let us know on Twitter at @appleosophy.

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