Apple does not want you to line up for buying the iPhone 12, promotes Reservations and ‘Express Pickup’

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Salmat CEO Craig Dower on September 24, 2015 in Sydney, Australia.

The coronavirus Pandemic has troubled the Silicon Valley Giant a lot. While Apple is infamous for the long queues of customers waiting outside their stores to get the new iPhone on Launch Day, they do not want people lining up outside their stores this year.

Apple wants the customers to follow the “Express” Pickup guidelines, which will help the customers get their desired iPhone without coming in close contact with other buyers in the Store. As mentioned by Apple, there will be at least 20 stores across the U.S. and Europe to enable the “express” pickup service. The sales counter will have plexiglass to separate the customers from standing in the queue.

Amidst the virus, people are still lining up outside the stores. Sydney’s CBD saw quite a several people standing outside to pick up their new iPhone. The store opened at 8 AM, but the first person to enter the Store had arrived in the venue the previous night at 11:30 PM.

Sydney has been one of the few cities that have not been affected much by COVID-19 compared to the big names, including New York City. But still, then Apple would not recommend the customers to create a crowd in or around the store to avoid contracting the virus.

Apple has told Business Insider that it will be introducing a reservation system for the people lining up in the queue and assign them a later time to come and pick their iPhone instead of having to wait outside the store for such a long period.

Many stores still do not have in-store shopping, and the ones who have strictly follow the security measures and COVID-19 protocols to ensure the safety of the buyers.

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