Washington DC Apple Store temporarily closes

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Over the last couple of months, we have seen Apple Stores across the country be temporarily closed due to the rise of positive COVID-19 cases. 

So far, we have seen stores in Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin and Texas reopen after COVID-19 numbers went down.

California has gone as far as to close nearly all of its Apple Stores due rising positive COVID-19 numbers across the state. 

However, as we are entering the last week of December 2020, Washington DC’s Apple Store location at Carnegie Library on 801 K Street NW has joined the list of stores that have temporarily closed. 

While there has been no official statement from Apple, the page for this store on Apple’s website says the store will be closed temporarily  and that the store is only open for Genius Bar appointments and online order pickups. 

It is unknown specifically when the store will reopen, but we will keep you updated when it does. Be sure to stay tuned here to Appleosophy for updates. 

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