Date announced for Apple’s Annual Shareholders Meeting

Image: Apple Newsroom

Apple has announced the date for their Annual Shareholders Meeting, which will take place on February 23rd, 2021 at 9:00 pm Pacific Time. Unsurprisingly, this meeting will be held virtually due to complications with the COVID-19 outbreak.

Shareholders will be able to join through a link in the SEC filling that was issued earlier today. This also includes the link for shareholders to vote and submit their own questions in advance with a deadline of February 22.

Even though this is different from their regular, in-person meetings, this will allow more shareholders to join the meeting online. A similar effect was observed during last year’s WWDC, which allowed more people to join the conference from almost every corner of the world.

Unfortunately, this meeting is not opened to the public. But considering the fact that previous shareholder meetings feature little to no announcements this might be for the best.

We’ll keep you up to date of any announcements or product teases during the meeting, if there is any of them.

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