Opinion: My experience using the Dollar General self-checkout; Using Apple Pay

aa9a2a09 self checkout 1 scaled
aa9a2a09 self checkout 1 scaled

This may not sound like an article we would write or a story you would see on here. Please hear me out, it is relevant to Apple.

We have been one of the few tech media outlets to report that Apple Pay is now being accepted at Dollar General, with a major aspect of that support coming from the new self-checkouts in select Dollar General stores.

With that said, I was able to finally check out the new self-checkout at my local Dollar General in Des Moines, Iowa.

The self-checkout has been technically available at this store since I arrived in Des Moines back in January this year, but it has always been broken or non-functional.

Now, I don’t buy a lot of stuff at Dollar General, as most of the food-related items that I would normally purchase are usually available at my grocery store. When I do make a purchase at Dollar General, it is Mountain Dew Maui Burst that is only available through them.

As for using the self-checkout, it’s fairly simple.

You just start scanning your items. When you are all done scanning, you hit the “Pay Now” button on the touchscreen of the monitor and then pay with your form of payment. Obviously for me, that was Apple Pay.

Like I said, it’s easy and makes the whole checking out process so much more efficient because you do not have to tie up an associate from their duties around the store.

Most importantly, when using the self-checkout, it makes it a faster way for me to get my Mountain Dew Maui Burst. Either that, or if I do have to do through a regular checkout, at least I can use Apple Pay at the checkout.

Let’s also make sure that it is noted that Apple Card users who pay from their iPhone or Apple Watch.

Have you used the self-checkout at a Dollar General store? Have you been able to use Apple Pay at a Dollar General yet? Comment below or let us know on Twitter at @appleosophy.

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